The Probus Club of Sidney hosts several events during the year for members and guests. Events that have been hosted in prior years include Christmas Dinners, Summer Barbecues, excursions to attend the Chemainus Theatre Festival, and tours of many local businesses and organizations that members have expressed interest in learning more about. Frequently these events follow the organization or business having been featured in our monthly speaker series. Input from members is encouraged to assist in the selection of events that will be of interest to the broader membership.
Future Planned Events
CAN ASSIST TOUR: Tuesday, March 18 at 10:30 until 11:15
Group Size: 15 members
Cost (Donation): $10.00
There are still places remaining for the tour of CAN ASSIST. Here are the details.
CanAssist, located at the University of Victoria, is dedicated to helping people with disabilities improve their quality of life with a focus on promoting independence and inclusion.
The CanAssist team develops innovative technologies and programs where there are gaps in existing services. CanAssist works with students and faculty at UVic, along with partners in the wider community.
The tour for members of the Probus Club of Sidney will take place on MARCH 18, 2025 from 10:30 to 11:15 am. The cost (donation) is $10.00.
To confirm your place, please send $10.00 to <>
As well would you please email Marian Marsh to let her know you would like to attend.
Closer to the time, a map and directions will be sent to all participants.
Upcoming events include: a tour of the Maritime Helicopter squadron of the Royal Canadian Air Force and a tour of Craigdarroch Castle.
CPR stands for cardiopulmonary resuscitation. It can help save a life during cardiac arrest when the heart stops beating or beats too ineffectively to circulate blood to the brain and other vital organs.
AED stands for automated external defibrillator. An AED is a lightweight, portable device that delivers an electric shock through the chest to the heart.
Dr Ralph Hayes, MD has kindly offered to teach valuable lessons to our members.
Here is an anecdote from one of our members:
“One of our friends, Peter (an apparently healthy 70 year old brilliant engineer) was sitting on the couch in his living room when he suddenly collapsed, He had just died from “sudden cardiac death”. But his wife, Edith (a teacher) knew how to do CPR. She called 911 and immediately started doing chest compressions. An ambulance arrived very quickly, “applied paddles” and restored his heart rhythm. Peter spent a number of days in hospital and has made a full recovery. He now has a special pacemaker that will restore his heart rhythm if it ever does that again”
Would you like to be able to save a life? In less than an hour, Dr. Hayes can teach you to do CPR, and in addition competently and safely “apply the paddles” yourself at any facility that has AED equipment.”
Dr. Hayes has offered to teach sessions to our members in small groups, on Wednesday, February 12 at the BC Aviation Museum. Lessons are less than an hour in length at the following times: 10am, 11 am, 1 pm and 2 pm. Participants are asked to make a donation to the BCAM.
If you wish to participate, please send an email to Marian Marsh <>
stating your preferred time and your second choice of time.
Wine, Wine, Wine; Shelves of wines – but which one to buy?
Do you frequently wish you knew more about the medium-priced wines (under $ 20 ?) available at the local BCLCB store?
If so, you are probably not alone, but what to do about it? One option might be to share your experiences with others and perhaps join with others periodically to sample a narrow selection of wines of a specific category.
If this is of interest to you let’s get together as a Probus interest group and explore how we can organize to do this. Some of the considerations might be; Venue(s), Time, Funding, Vessels, size of groups and number of wines to sample.
Lots of details to work out, so varied input required. A source for a few ideas of what issues to resolve for a successful club can be found at ‘https://‘.
Sound like fun?
There will be a ‘sign-up’ sheet at our next Probus meeting for people interested in exploring this idea further.